
Please choose a date

Group Info:

I understand that my reservation date could be affected by weather and that Fifer's will communicate via email with pre-visit instructions and updates.
I understand that I will be in charge of my group with the help of my own staff/chaperones for the entirety of the visit and will follow all instructions and safety protocols that the Fifer staff members provide.
I understand that this activity is entirely at my own risk. My group will treat others with courtesy, respect and kindness at all times.
I understand that the reservartion time that I selected is exactly when I will be arriving (not before or after).
I understand that payment is due the DAY OF the trip and that payments are by checks or credit cards only.

Payment Due Upon Arrival.
Your total due will be given to you via email.

We only accept group payments by check or credit card, No cash please.

Your payment total will be finalized by our group coordinator (Jessica) prior to your visit. We do not create invoices for our trips. You will receive an email with the total due upon arrival.

TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software